FTC Shuts Down Trucking Scam: RivX Halted

FTC and Florida halt "trucking automation" company RivX over alleged $75,000+ investment scam. Court orders operations ceased, assets frozen.

FTC Shuts Down Trucking Scam: RivX Halted
Image Source: BitcoinWide

The FTC and Florida have taken action to stop RivX, a so-called "trucking automation" company, from scamming consumers out of millions with false promises of passive income. The company, led by Antonio Rivodo and Noah Wooten, claimed they could help people invest in trucks and make thousands in "passive income" each month. But consumers were left empty-handed, with few trucks delivered and no returns on their $75,000+ investments.


Video Source: RivX's Instagram (Since deleted)

The Key Points

  • FTC and Florida halt "trucking automation" company RivX
  • Consumers lost millions in alleged investment scam
  • Court orders operations ceased, assets frozen

Trucking Dreams Crushed

RivX promised trucking riches but delivered heartache. The FTC alleges the company:

  • Charged $75,000+ for nonexistent trucks
  • Guaranteed passive income of $5,000-$7,000/month
  • Failed to deliver on promises

Zero consumers recouped investments or made profits

Red Flags Waving

In several online videos referenced in the complaint, Rivodo made unfounded claims regarding the ease with which consumers can achieve significant profits, such as:

  • “We are making sure that that truck is operating, it’s consistently bringing in income, it’s covering all the expenses and it’s also leaving that amazing passive income every single month.”
  • “This is a literally done-for-you business model. You are literally going to lift as little as a finger as you have to… this truck will literally just become a passive income asset.”
  • “We want to make sure the results that we create for you [are] passive… that money’s going to come in like mailbox money, coming in every single month.”

All in all, Antonio Rivodo plastered social media with super flashy claims. Consumers got hooked, then burned.

Millions Pocketed, Dreams Shattered

RivX profited while leaving consumers without high and dry. To make matters worse, RivX included unlawful contract provisions that held consumers liable for up to $100,000 for publicly voicing complaints or posting negative online reviews about the company.

FTC Director Samuel Levine: "Many consumers lost their life's savings."

The FTC and the state of Florida are taking serious action against RivX. A federal court has ordered the halt of RivX operations and frozen the assets of RivX, Rivodo, and their associates. The charges brought against them include violations of the FTC Act. Court will decide RivX's fate. For now, the trucking dream scam is parked.

Stay tuned as this case unfolds. And remember, if it's too good to true, that's because it is.

Source: FTC

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