In the latest episode of "The Freight Caviar Podcast", we sit down with several young and talented individuals who gave us an inside look at the Serbian logistics market and the benefits of outsourcing.
Goldman Sachs stands out with a positive 2024 economic forecast, showcasing lower recession odds and a stronger economy. Here's what they're saying:
The global economy outdid itself in 2023, beating expectations.
GDP growth is set to outpace last year's forecasts by 1 percentage point globally and 2 percentage points in the US.
Inflation is cooling off from a fiery 6% in 2022 to a milder 3%, thanks to post-COVID recovery scenarios.
Tailwinds Ahead: There's a bunch of good news on the horizon, according to Goldman Sachs:
Real household income growth is strong.
Monetary policy is easing off the brakes.
Manufacturing is on the upswing.
Central banks are ready to step in if growth wanes.
Skepticism Addressed: Doubting Goldman Sachs? Here's a throwback: In November 2022, they called the US recession odds at less than 35% against a 65% consensus. And guess what? They were spot on.
Hi! I'm Adriana and I've been working for FreightCaviar as Head Writer for a little over a year now. Some of my favorite topics to cover are FreightTech, Green Freight, and nearshoring/reshoring.
In a recent episode of the Stay In Your Lane Podcast from Triple T Transport, Allianz Trade North America Chief Economist Dan North shed light on why the anticipated economic recession hasn't yet materialized and its implications on the freight market.
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