10 Inspiring Quotes on Logistics

10 Inspiring Quotes on Logistics
Let's get philosophical.

1. "Amateurs talk strategy. Professionals talk logistics." - General Omar Bradley

2. “Products can be easily copied. But a supply chain can provide a true competitive advantage.” - Yossi Sheff

3. “Real artists ship" - Steve Jobs

4 .“Cargo is a little bit like water. It will always follow the path of least resistance.” - Goetz Alebrand, DHL global forwarding Americas

5. "Good times create weak people, bad times create strong people."
- Michael G. Hopf

6. "The line between disorder and order lies in logistics." - Sun Tzu

7. "Supply chain is like nature, it is all around us" - Dave Waters

8. "Creativity is an import-export business" - Ethan Zuckerman

9. “I never predict freight rates; nobody can do that.” - Søren Skou

10 ."The real competition is between supply chains, not companies." - Martin Christopher

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