Mesilla Valley Transportation: A Legacy in Motion

In the latest episode of "The FreightCaviar Podcast", we sit down with Jackie Jones, Chief Marketing Officer at Mesilla Valley Transportation. She shares the secret behind the company's success and talks about the importance of sustainability in trucking.

Mesilla Valley Transportation: A Legacy in Motion

In this week’s episode of The FreightCaviar Podcast, we sat down with Jackie Jones, Chief Marketing Officer at Mesilla Valley Transportation, one of the largest private fleets in America. Jackie shares the key to the company’s success, what sets them apart from other fleets, and why sustainability is essential in trucking. 

The Origins of Mesilla Valley Transportation

The company's story begins with founders, Royal Jones and Jimmy Ray.

As a young man, Royal– Jackie’s father–  worked in his own father’s lumber yard, where he learned the fundamentals of running a business and operating machinery. 

After saving money for about a year, he was able to purchase his first truck and became a truck driver–much to his family’s dismay. But as Jackie explains, when Royal puts his mind to something, he always finds a way to succeed. 

A Business Partnership is Born

That’s where Jimmy Ray, one of the founders, comes in. They two met when Royal started driving for Jimmy’s father, Joe. D. Ray. One thing led to another, and soon, they found themselves working side by side.

“They were working out of an office together. Jimmy had a couple of trucks, and Royal had a couple of trucks. In late 1981, they realized they were both having to pay taxes and having to do their own billing, a lot of duplicate work, so they decided to partner up and bring the trucks together.”

Forty Years of Growth and Innovation

Forty years later, Roy is just as dedicated. When he’s not in El Paso visiting other MVT locations, or booked with meetings, he’s always looking for ways to improve the business. 

A Commitment to Excellence

Over the years, Mesilla Valley Transportation has not only grown into the largest but also one of the most reliable fleets in the country. The secret? Always staying one step ahead, and hiring the best drivers. 

“We don’t put limits on ourselves. We’re very forward-thinking about we’re always trying to out-do what we’ve previously done. We want to make sure we’ve got the best drivers and they’re paid extremely well. We want to make sure that they’re given opportunities that they wouldn’t be given elsewhere.”

What Sets MVT Apart?

So what truly sets them apart from other fleets? 

“We’re big on efficiency, doing the right thing and being transparent. I think the biggest differentiator for us is that we really care about our employees. We’re like a family. We have several drivers who have been with us for over thirty years, some close to forty.”

Prioritizing Sustainability in Trucking

Jackie also emphasizes the importance of sustainability in trucking. The company invests heavily in fuel-efficient technology to reduce its environmental impact.

“Of course, as we learn more about technology and things we can do- at the end of the day you can buy all the products in the world– but if you don’t have a driver that understands fuel mileage, they’re still not going to get good fuel mileage.” 

Rewarding Top-Performing Drivers

At Mesilla Valley Transportation, sustainability is a top priority—but so is taking care of employees. Each quarter, the driver who achieves perfect CSA score and delivers the best overall performance is rewarded with an impressive $25,000.

If you value great treatment, sustainability, and a company with a rich history, Mesilla Valley Transportation is the perfect choice for you.

Listen to the entire interview on Apple Podcasts, or Spotify, or watch it on our  YouTube Channel.

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