Surge Transportation: Rising from the Ashes of Bankruptcy

Surge Transportation emerges from bankruptcy with a successful reorganization, setting new industry precedents.

Surge Transportation: Rising from the Ashes of Bankruptcy
Source: Surge Transportation

In a stunning turnaround, Surge Transportation has risen from the ashes of bankruptcy. Here's their journey:

The Comeback Kid:

  • Filed for Chapter 11 on July 24, 2023
  • Successfully reorganized by July 24, 2024
  • First brokerage to achieve this feat

From Struggle to Success

  • At the time of its bankruptcy filing, Surge Transportation owed approximately $155,000 in wages to its 43 full-time and part-time employees, according to court records. At its peak, the freight brokerage employed over 100 individuals.
  • Court Approval The US Bankruptcy Court in Jacksonville confirmed Surge's plan, marking a historic moment in freight brokerage.
Omar Singh, President & Founder of Surge Transportation, expressed deep gratitude: “I want to express gratitude to the carriers, customers, employees, factors, friends, and strangers who stood by us.”

What about the Past?

At the time of their bankruptcy, some freight agents were still owed money. While it is not confirmed if all debts were paid off, one cannot simply forget about the past.

One of our Instagram followers messaged us, stating that they are owed $4,500 by Surge for two loads. (2023)

Not to mention, in an industry where time is money and money is time, will there be anyone willing to give Surge a second chance at life in this current freight market? Omar Singh is hoping so:

"Here's to new beginnings," Singh says, promising more insights in the coming weeks and months.

Surge's resurrection is a testament to the resilience of a freight brokerage company. Fighting and not wanting to give up despite going through a rough patch. With the right strategy and support, even the most challenging situations can be overcome. The industry will be watching closely to see how Surge capitalizes on its second chance. Hoping there will be some out there willing to give them that second chance.

Source: LinkedIn | FreightWaves 1, 2 | FreightCaviar

UPDATE July 30, 2024

After the posting of this article, Omar Singh posted a commented under our LinkedIn post regarding the statement made about wages owed to employees:

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