Outsourcing Freight Operations to Poland

In the latest episode of "The Freight Caviar Podcast", we sit down with Clark Wellman, National Sales Director at AmeriPol Staffing. He talks about the origin of the company, its road to success, and his favorite books and podcasts.

Outsourcing Freight Operations to Poland

In this week’s episode of The FreightCaviar Podcast, we sat down with Clark Wellman, National Sales Director at AmeriPol Staffing, which provides outsourcing to Poland for all your logistical needs. He offers a glimpse into a typical workday at the company, shares its origin story, and gives his top recommendations for must-read books and podcasts.

From School to AmeriPol

Earlier this year, Clark was working as a substitute teacher at a local high school when he was invited by a friend to attend a hockey game. Little did he know it would start his journey with AmeriPol Staffing. He ended up sitting next to Peter Jasinski, President of AmeriPol, and the two immediately hit it off.

“Two weeks later, I got a phone call. ‘Hey, Clark, can you come in?’ I'm like, ‘Sure, for what?’ ‘Well, we'd like to talk to you about maybe coming to work.’ They brought me in and literally a week later, I'm like, you know what? This sounds right. This feels right. It's a younger company, not a startup, that's got a tremendous opportunity to grow and do some pretty great things. So, that's kind of how I got here. And I love it.”

The Birth of AmeriPol

He shared the company’s origin story, which arose from a need to move freight efficiently and to address staffing challenges in the U.S. that arose due to the global pandemic.

“Having seen how freight operates, you have to be able to yell across the table and say, ‘I need help. Come over here, help me out with this.' It doesn't work on Zoom. It doesn't work on a mobile phone. So, AmeriPol was born. It was born out of a need to have reliable, quality people be able to come in and sit down in an office, work collaboratively, and be able to help move freight.”

Working at AmeriPol

Clark also gave us a glimpse into the typical workday at the company.

“Everybody that we bring on board, with the exception of the IT side of the house, works in a physical office. They come in, and we're flexible in terms of our hours, meaning if your business is running from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Central Standard Time, the team that you bring on board, they're there. Now, if you need after-hours support, we'll bring that in as well. But they're in a physical office, which I think is also important.”

The Road to Success

He also broke down the company’s strategic approach and what drives its success.

“Going back to the strategy, when we go into a company, we're not looking right away to replace 20 people. We'd like just that one chance. Just give us that one opportunity to prove what we can do. We can do staffing, whether it be claims, driver settlements, track and trace, any of those types of things, or if you need some IT support, we can help you out on that side of the house as well.”

AmeriPol’s Core Philosophy

Clark also revealed the company’s core philosophy and primary areas of focus.

“If you've ever read any kind of Stoic philosophy, they always talk about focusing on what you can control. That's what we're trying to do. We're focusing on what we can control right now, and that's the challenge. I've loved coming into companies that have either been around for a little bit and need some help. I'm not the answer, I'm a piece of the puzzle, but that's what I enjoy.”

Clark Wellman’s journey from substitute teacher to National Sales Director at AmeriPol Staffing highlights the power of opportunity and the impact of strong relationships in shaping careers. The company’s success is built on collaboration, focus, and a commitment to quality service. Whether you’re looking for logistical staffing solutions or seeking inspiration from Clark's career path, there’s much to take away from this episode of The FreightCaviar Podcast

Listen to the entire interview on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, or watch it on our YouTube channel.

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