Reflecting on the World's Biggest Sustainability event

Reflecting on the World's Biggest Sustainability event
An open mic on sustainable storytelling

Finland – I recently had the chance to attend the joint event of Sustainability Science Days and the Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress, the largest sustainability event in the world. This hybrid event was held both onsite and online and offered a neutral platform for discussing sustainability.

It was my treat to be around the academic community, top international speakers, societal change-makers, and everyone interested in sustainability. I did have mixed feelings about the limited number of corporate representatives.

Despite this, I found the event's atmosphere very engaging.
The first discussion with a new person made me learn a new word:

"transdisciplinary," meaning involving or relating to two or more different areas of study.

I appreciated the inclusive atmosphere as I googled and asked questions constantly without ever feeling unequal.

A key concern regarding the event was the lack of focus on the transport and logistics sector, which contributes to over a third of global CO2 emissions. There were only a few sessions on this topic, including one on enforcing sustainable procurement and the legal aspects around it.

Still, I felt the event was successful because the event successfully explored its vision of creating an understanding of the sustainability crisis and urging action for a sustainable future.

Some of my highlights from the event included:

  1. Educational Game by Helsinki University: A game that teaches sustainability concepts and rewards you with study credits. The game was fun and made me want to play more realistic games in the future.
  2. Open Mic on Sustainable Journeys: Personal stories and experiences related to sustainability around a glass of wine. We need to hear more about the experiences of individuals regarding sustainability, not just the corporate world.
  3. Mindset for Change: Discussions on how to change mindsets to embrace and cooperate with change. It sounds so simple, but it's one of the biggest bottlenecks of the transition. Something as simple as meditating can help you.

These reflections highlight the event's role in advancing sustainability discussions and the need for more corporate involvement in future events.

I can highly recommend participating in next year's event in Chicago.
I hope you enjoyed this article.

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