🎣 Freight Stocks
Who’s up, who’s down, and who’s just holding on? We scan the freight stock battlefield for the biggest winners and wrecks.
91% of phishing attempts take place via email. As a freight broker, that puts your operations at a significant risk. But with Epay Manager you can systemically block fraudsters from ever entering your back-office systems.
Here are 10 freight broker sales tips from some of the top minds in our industry.
Ken Oaks, the man behind TQL, is now the richest man in Cincinnati with a net worth of $980M.
Today’s story covers our day with industry legends Kevin Nolan (Founder of Nolan Transportation Group) and Andrew Silver (Co-Founder of MoLo Solutions).
Navigate commission structures, technology integration, and growth support. Here's what you need to weigh when choosing a freight agent program.
We took the opportunity to ask our Instagram followers about their best days as freight brokers. Here are some of their responses...
Kahana had been working at home during Hurricane Beryl when his power went out. For most people, that would be the end of the work day. Kahana is not like most people.
We are currently getting insider information from a freight broker who is dealing with this situation.
Curious about which countries drive the most traffic to US load boards? Here are the top 5 countries with the highest inbound traffic to DAT, Truckstop, and 123 Loadboard.
"15 years ago, the Chicagoland trucker was looked at as like sketchyville, right? Sketchyville USA."
Cam Newton's New Play: Freight Brokerage. The former MVP quarterback discusses his ventures in the trillion-dollar freight industry, calling it "recession-proof."
Over half of all respondents in a FreightCaviar poll said rising costs are putting the biggest pressure on freight broker margins. How can you relieve it?
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